
“Come!” He said. And climbing out of the boat, Peter started walking on the water and came toward Jesus.
Matthew 14:29

Before Pentecost Peter was the product of his environment. Conventional.
He wanted to believe but he, like most of his contemporaries needed to see first and then he would believe.
But then came that crazy day that stretched into the late night –
the day Peter and the others saw with their own astonished eyes as they helped to distribute to 5000 plus people the endless flow of fish and bread
multiplying from just a handful of bread and fish…
right from the hands of Jesus.
“Get into the boat, sail across the lake and I’ll meet you”, Jesus had told Peter and the others…
Jesus didn’t tell them that He had quite a surprise for them.
What was more frightening? The boat being battered or thinking that a ghost was coming after them?
It was Jesus, but how could He be there? How could He possibly be walking out there on the water?
But “Come!”  He said, the real lesson being: “forget about everything you know or might believe.
Be unconventional!  Step out of the boat!”
Beloved, the Messiah calls us to be unconventional.
With the help of the Holy Spirit our minds are being transformed
stepping into the realm of unconventionality and not conforming to a “Show me and then I’ll believe” worldview.
Be unconventional!

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