The Question of Time

A new year is here. Bright and shiny.
A new year…but even today might be the last day of your life.
You don’t know, can really know-how much time is left.
How much time is left in our “hourglass”, or those of our family members, our friends?

Is your life in order, have you made peace with others, with yourself?
There is a specific reason I ask this question:
How many of us have been separated from loved ones
and these issues remain unresolved because of pride, emotional pain,
the sense that you are “right”…?

I was talking with a wise friend the other day who said to me that there is no deeper grief
than that the realization that you will never see that person who died  again…
death and unresolved issues having separated the bereaved forever from the departed.
There will come a time is no time is left to extend the words of forgiveness that can heal us…
There will be a time where there’s no time left, and precious opportunities have been missed
It won’t matter who was right or wrong.
In the end there is no amount of ” If only I would’ves”,
that will give us another chance to extend forgiveness,
to love deeply, show mercy… to regain that which was lost for you and
perhaps others in your family who are affected.
I experienced similar feelings with my own father;
the sense of loss, the feeling that I robbed myself of precious time with him
still haunts me more than 25 years later.

If this hits home as you read this, don’t waste time that may not be yours to squander.
Pick up that phone, get face to face with the person-or persons-
and take that first healing step…

“I forgive you” .

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