Glory Days

“The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the LORD Almighty. ‘

And in this place I will grant peace,’ declares the LORD Almighty.” -Haggai 2:9

Are you feeling tired, worn out after so many years in the fray?
Have the rigors of life -with all the trials, difficulties, and uncertainties rendered you exhausted?
Take heart.
Your latter days will be greater than your former.
He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze. – Psalm 18:34
The difficult things that come, that try us are meant to train us-not discourage us.
Warriors are trained by enduring hardship, and strengthened by realigning how they process difficulties
and how they respond to those challenges. Strength is perhaps 25% natural but the other 75% -is acquired the hard way.
Your latter years…will be greater than your former.
You are coming out, or have come through great trials.
Don’t look for a hammock to climb into, or sail off into the sunset keeping what you have learned to yourself…
Yeshua said, “Give and it shall be given back to you.”– He wasn’t just talking about money here!
You have come through polished and shining-now show others-the younger, the next generation,
those who will need you to help guide them through as they endure their own training, their own crucibles.
They are often much nearer that you may realize; so take your eyes off yourself, keep them on God alone …
start looking for the divine appointments He has placed right in front of you.
Your latter days—will be greater than your former!

1Cor. 11:1, Acts 20:17, Phil.4:9

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