Delays (When Suddenlies Aren’t So Sudden)


  • Job  waited for God for healing and deliverance.
  • Abraham had to wait 25 years for his legitimate son.
  • Joseph spent 13 years in servitude and dungeons.
  • Moses got his training for 4o years in the desert.
  • David, a man after God’s own heart waited for 15 years to become king.

These men all received prophetic words, tremendous promises of fulfillment and greatness, but the Lord didn’t say it would happen today, tomorrow, or the next day.
The element required by these men, and truth be told – all of us- are the secret ingredients- patience and perseverance .
Suddenlies generally aren’t sudden at all…rather, if we look back at various milestones in our lives  we see there was the necessity of patience and perseverance.
I believe that God allows the gestation of  human beings to be 4o weeks as a training period stretching and tempering us.
These disciplines help stoke the fires that forge iron-clad faith: The ability to hope for things that are yet unseen.”
So beloved, how are you dealing with – how do you treat-the delays in your life?
If things are happening a little -or a lot- slower than you expected, do not let fear, doubt or discouragement get in your path.
Delays don’t last forever.



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